Trying to view photos and the password isn't working?
When using our photo site, there are TWO types of passwords.
In order to view photos within each of our Galleries (i.e. Junior Camp, June Camp), you will need to enter the photo password that is found in the Photo section of our Parent Handbook. We also e-mailed this password to you at the beginning of YOUR session. (If you set up a personal account, this password DOES NOT override the password from our Parent Handbook).
We also highly recommend that you set up a personal account immediately. You will create your own username and password, allowing you to have a personal account with Zenfolio. You will need an account so that all of your Favorited photos have a permanent place to be stored (otherwise they will delete after a month).
Once setting up your account, you will still need to enter the password from the Parent Handbook in order to view photos. Your account password does not override the password we have protecting our photos from anyone clicking on our photo link. These are two separate passwords.
Are You Locked Out?
If you have entered a wrong password too many times after clicking on a Gallery (i.e. Junior Camp, June Camp), you will be locked out of the system for about half a day (we cannot unlock it for you). Most people who are locked out are trying to type in their personal account password, instead of the password from our Parent Handbook. They are two separate passwords (see information above). To view photos, you must enter the password that from the Parent Handbook. If you are locked out, try viewing photos in a different browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox) until the system resets.
To Favorite Photos:
When you’re looking at all of the photos in a Gallery, we recommend using the Select Photos button at the top of each page of photos. You can then select multiple photos (by clicking on them) that you think look interesting, or ones where you think you see your daughter. Once you’ve selected them, scroll to the top, and you can move all of your photos into your Favorites at one time by clicking “Add to Favorites.”
Another way to Favorite photos is to click the heart button in the top left corner of each photo.
Can’t find your Favorites and think they have been lost?
First off, make sure you are logged in to your Zenfolio account (does it say “Welcome, yourname” in the top right corner?) If you are logged in, go to the top left of the page where it says either “Favorites: My Selection” or “Favorites: Selected for Purchase”. Hover over the words “My Selection” or “Selected for Purchase” and you will see a drop down menu show up. Click on one of the folders that starts with “Switch to” (if you have multiple folders starting with “Switch to”, you might have to try this multiple times). One of these folders should have your Favorites in it.
Many people are logging out or getting logged out of their accounts, but then will start Favoriting photos again. When this happens, and you log back into Zenfolio, a new Favorites folder is started for you, as the system does not know where you want those new Favorites to go. Now, you have multiple Favorites folder. To make sure this doesn’t happen again, please check to make sure you are Logged In before Favoriting any photos, and make sure the correct folder is selected next to the word “Favorites” in the top left corner.
To Download photos for free:
You can download many at one time by visiting your Favorites folder – after you have added many photos to your Favorites, you can Download all by clicking the button at the top of that screen.
You can also download pictures individually…when you are looking at the page of photos, click on a photo you would like to download. This will enlarge the photo. On a Mac, when enlarged, a Menu button appears in the top left corner – one of the options is Download. On a PC, right click on the photo to select the Download option.
The Zenfolio support e-mail is [email protected] - please use this for questions regarding orders, problems with your personal account, etc.
Please feel free to contact us with any other questions that you have.